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Products Home >Rotary Drilling Tools
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Step drag bit
Drag bit designedfor use in soft formations such as sand, clay or some types of soft rock. Dragbits can be either solid or welded construction. However, they will not workwell in coarse gravel or hard rock formations. Uses include drilling waterwells, mining, geothermal, environmental and exploration drilling.
Step drag bits areone piece construction of alloy steel cast with tungsten carbide cutting tipsand gauge sides to ensure longer life. They are primarily designed for soft tomedium formations.
Step drag bit wings
Three wings stepdrag bit
Four wings step drag bits
Drag bits diameter:
2 to 17 1/2 inch
51 to 445mm
Drag bits thread sizes:
2 3/8'' API REG 3 1/2'' API REG 6 5/8'' API REG 2 3/8'' API IF A Rod AW NW BWJ
2 7/8'' API REG
4 1/2'' API REG
2'' API IF
2 7/8 '' API IF
N Rod
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